Aretha Franklin's Will - Don't Leave Without One

Aretha Franklin's Will

With an estimated 80 million dollar estate left behind, Aretha Franklin’s will doesn’t exist.  Franklin’s family left behind to deal with the intestate succession will likely be able to afford the astronomical fees associated with the necessary probate process and legal fees.  Our post – Bad Company – outlined the statistics behind American’s apathy towards the subject of estate planning.

As Fox Business reported, “Franklin was notoriously private about her finances.” Unfortunately, the estate will need to open-handedly welcome full public disclosure. Intestate successions as complicated as Franklin’s could “drag on for years” according to New York Times.  Does the truth of the matter, no plan is a plan to fail, gain additional credibility and weight coming from big news sources?  It has two years since Prince decided to take a similar course, which led to the loss of millions of dollars. The same publications reported the same story then, and we are still experiencing the same adversity to proper planning.

Let’s work together to close the gap of people without a plan.  We offer both digital and traditional solutions to meet your estate planning needs. Additionally, our educational materials will answer most general questions you will have about our solutions.

Call us at 877-622-5840 or email me today to get started.


Photo – Wikimedia Commons

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